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Women's Health Week- make your help a priority!

Janette O'toole

Jean Haile's Women's Health Week is a nation-wide campaign  – all centered on improving women's health and helping us make healthier choices. 

Women’s Health Week (7th - 11 September 2020) is dedicated to all women across Australia to make good health a priority.

s Women’s Health Week is a week dedicated to all women across

Each day of Women's Health Week I will focus on an important women's health topic.

To celebrate Women's Health Week at Better Health, I will be offering a

COMPLIMENTARY 'Physiotherapy Pelvic Floor Screen' throughout September.

This is a free 15 minute consultation and will include a:

- review of any pelvic floor risk factors

- review of any pelvic floor symptoms

- individual advice

- NO physical assessment or examination (advice only)

For more information or to book your free 'Physiotherapy Pelvic Floor Screen' please call us on 9518 0722.


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Book Appointment
Call (02) 9518 0722

6 Johnston Street, Annandale,
New South Wales, Australia

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©2018 by Pelvic Floor Physio.  Janette O'toole

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