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Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Janette O'toole

What are the symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Women with pelvic organ prolapse usually describe a feeling of a ‘bulge’ or something sitting inside the vagina. They may also describe a feeling something has ‘dropped’ or an awareness of a lump inside the vagina.

It is not normally painful, just a feeling of discomfort or awareness of something not feeling quite right. This may be a constant feeling or may come and go, particularly at the end of the day, when they are tired or if they have been on their feet all day.

Some women may also report some bladder symptoms (such as urgency, frequency or a change in urine flow) or bowel symptoms (such as difficulty emptying the bowel).

Some women will have no symptoms at all.

How is a Pelvic Organ Prolapse diagnosed?

A prolapse is diagnosed with a vaginal examination by a doctor, gynaecologist or pelvic floor physiotherapist.

They will usually use a clean gloved finger and ask you to cough or strain so that they can feel for any descent or laxity in the vaginal tissues.

This can be done in lying and sometimes in standing (when the prolapse may be more evident).

A gynaecologist will also usually use a speculum to do assess this.

Can a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist help treat Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

A pelvic floor physio has completed specialised training to help with this condition. They can

  • provide a comprehensive assessment including your general health, bladder and bowel health as well as obstetric and gynaecology history

  • screen for any risk factors for pelvic floor dysfunction

  • provide a vaginal examination to assess the pelvic floor including prolapse

  • teach pelvic floor muscle exercise- specific guidance and progression

  • manage any avoidable factors such as constipation and straining

  • provide bladder and bowel advice to reduce symptoms

  • graduated exercise program to help you achieve your fitness goals.

If you would like further advise, please book an appointment with our Pelvic Floor Physio at Better Health. Phone 9518 0722 for an appointment.


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©2018 by Pelvic Floor Physio.  Janette O'toole

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